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Triburile lui Seth Godin

Am citit „Tribes” – Seth Godin. Sub Tribes scrie „We need you to lead us”. Deci, da, este o carte despre un fel de leadership.
Ideea in jurul careia este construita cartea, dupa cum ii zice si numele, este aceea de triburi. Triburi de oameni cu acelasi interes, aceeasi viziune. Triburi care au nevoie de un mijloc de comunicare si un leader. Un leader care trebuie sa creeze o miscare.
Pentru ca e scrisa in stilul american, cartea poate fi rezumata la doar cateva idei. Restul e umplutura pentru americani (hiperbola). Iata acele cateva idei de care am avut eu nevoie:
Marketing used to be about advertising, and advertising is expensive. Today, marketing is about engaging with the tribe and delivering products and services with stories that spread.
„Good enough” stopped being good enough a long time ago. So why not be great?
Fear of Failure is overrated… What people are afraid of isn’t failure. It’s blame. Criticism. We choose not to be remarkable because we are worried about criticism. Si urmeaza o predica despre cat de buna este totusi critica. Faptul ca esti criticat inseamna ca ai fost observat.
Great leaders don’t try to please everyone. Great leaders don’t water down their message in order to make their tribe bigger.
A thermostat is far more valuable than a thermometer. The thermometer reveals that something is broken… The thermostat manages to change the environment in sync with the outside world. Every organization needs at least one thermostat. Misto metafora.
Tribes grow when people recruit other people. That’s how ideas spread as well. The tribe doesn’t do it for you, of course. They do it for each other.
You should never use the word „opportunity”. It’s not an opportunity, it’s an obligation. I think we have an obligation to change the rules, to raise the bar, to play a different game, and to play it better than anyone has any right to believe is possible.
Albert Einstein said „Imagination is more important than knowledge”. Leaders create things that didn’t exist before. They do this by giving the tribe a vision of something that could happen, but hasn’t (yet). You can’t manage without knowledge. You can’t lead without imagination.
Si mai e o povestioara foarte faina. El e in vacanta in Jamaica, nu poate dormi intr-o noapte, asa ca se duce in holul hotelului si isi verifica e-mail-urile. Doi indivizi se intorc de la ceva distractie, il vad si comenteaza ceva de genul „Nu este trist ca saracul nu se poate bucura de doua saptamani libere?” In schimb, el crede ca intrebarea corecta era „Nu este trist ca avem o slujba din cauza careia petrecem doua saptamani incercand sa evitam ceea ce facem 50 de saptamani din an?”
Asadar, in concluzie si prin urmare, voi prelua aceste idei pentru a-mi crea tribul 🙂

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